Prospect Dental
Arlington Heights, IL   

Comprehensive Checkups

Regular visits to your dentist are important!  They help keep your teeth and gums healthy. Regular exams/checkups allow your dentist to monitor the health of your teeth, treat problems and even catch problems before they start or get worse.  In the long run, there can result in your teeth lasting a lifetime!

Both your dental hygienist and dentist will examine your teeth, gums, and mouth, to look for changes or signs of a problem (for example, a cavity or gum disease or early signs of oral cancer).  During the examination, your dentist may also use a special probe to measure the “pockets” between your teeth and gums, an explorer tool to poke at your teeth and determine if any cavities are present, and a mouth mirror to get a better view of the sides and back of your teeth.  If you have any visible problems, your dentist may recommend a particular treatment or may refer you to a specialist, such as a periodontist or orthodontist, for further treatment.

At some of your dental visits, your dentist may decide to take X-rays of your teeth to look for decay, gum disease, or other dental problems.  X-rays expose you to radiation so in order to avoid having them done more than necessary, bring copies of previous X-rays with you when you're visiting a new dentist.

It's understandable that you might be tempted to skip regular dental exams/dental checkups when the economy is bad or if you're experiencing a financial crunch.  But brushing and flossing aren't enough to keep your dental health in tip-top shape.  And the fact is putting professional dental care on hold can result in serious dental problems later - and treatments that are much more costly.