An implant overdenture is a type of dental prosthesis designed to provide a secure, stable fit for removable dentures using dental implants. Unlike traditional dentures that rest on the gums, an implant overdenture is supported by a series of dental implants that are surgically placed into the jawbone.

Here’s how it works: After the implants are inserted into the jawbone, they need some time to integrate with the bone—a process called osseointegration. Once the implants have integrated and healed, the overdenture is attached to them. This attachment is typically facilitated through special connectors or abutments, which provide a secure and snug fit.

The key benefits of an implant overdenture include improved stability, enhanced chewing efficiency, and a more natural feel compared to traditional dentures. The implants help prevent the denture from shifting or slipping, which can greatly improve comfort and confidence. Additionally, the support from implants helps preserve the jawbone, reducing bone loss that often occurs with conventional dentures.

Overall, implant overdentures offer a durable and effective solution for individuals who need a full or partial set of teeth, combining the functionality of dental implants with the convenience of a removable denture.