Your tooth is made of minerals, such as calcium and phosphate. These minerals form a hard crystal called enamel, which is the top layer of your tooth. Certain bacteria in plaque produce acids when exposed to simple sugars and cooked starches. Each acid attack removes minerals from your tooth. This process is called demineralization. If multiple cycles of demineralization occur, the end result is a cavity, or a hole in your tooth. If decay is detected before it has formed a hole or cavity, depositing calcium and fluoride back into your tooth can remineralize it.
This treatment is highly effective in stopping or reversing early decay if you follow dentist’s recommendations. If you don’t, the decay may progress and you will need your tooth filled. It’s important to have regular evaluations of the decayed area.
Enamel remineralization is performed after a thorough teeth cleaning of stone and sediment. First, a special product with high fluorine content is applied on the teeth. The minerals penetrate deeply into the microscopic damages in the enamel. As a result, the structure of the enamel is reconstructed and strengthened. The teeth gain protection against harmful acids produced by oral bacteria. Enamel remineralization stops the development of dental caries and can keep your teeth healthy for a long time